Hanafuda playing cards

Hanafuda is a type of playing cards that originated in Japan. The term "hanafuda" translates to "flower cards" in English, and it refers to a deck of 48 cards that are divided into 12 suits, representing the months of the year. Each suit is associated with a particular flower or plant, and the cards are often beautifully illustrated.


Hanafuda cards are traditionally used to play a variety of games, including matching and fishing games. The rules and gameplay can vary depending on the specific game being played, but the objective is generally to collect sets of cards or to capture cards from the table.

In addition to the flowers, hanafuda cards also feature other symbols and motifs, such as animals, landscapes, and people. These additional elements can be used in some games to score additional points or to create more complex gameplay mechanics.

Hanafuda cards have a long history in Japan and are often associated with gambling and traditional Japanese culture. They continue to be popular today, and you can find hanafuda cards in various designs and styles, ranging from traditional to modern interpretations.