Teen Patti game

Get Ready for Teen Patti - India's Thrilling Card Game of Chance and Strategy!

Teen Patti, also known as Indian Poker, is a popular card game in India that shares similarities with western poker. Played with a standard deck of 52 cards, it involves strategic betting and bluffing tactics. The objective of the game is to either have the best three-card hand or deceive opponents into folding. With rotating dealers, intense showdowns, and a perfect blend of skill, luck, and psychological tactics, Teen Patti offers an exhilarating experience. Gather your friends, embrace the excitement, and compete for the pot and the thrill of victory in this captivating Indian card game.

In Teen Patti, players must carefully assess their hand, read their opponents, and decide when to bet, call, raise, or fold. The game combines the thrill of chance with the strategic element of outsmarting opponents, making every round unpredictable and suspenseful. With its rich cultural heritage and widespread popularity, Teen Patti has become a beloved pastime, bringing friends and families together for memorable gaming sessions. So, gather your chips, channel your inner card shark, and dive into the excitement of Teen Patti as you strive to become the ultimate champion.


Here are the basic rules of Teen Patti:

Number of players: The game is typically played with 3 to 6 players.

Card ranking: The card rankings in Teen Patti are as follows, from high to low: Trail (three of a kind), Pure Sequence (straight flush), Sequence (straight), Color (flush), Pair (two of a kind), and High Card.

Ante: Before the game begins, all players must contribute a predetermined amount to the pot, known as the "ante."

Dealer and rotation: The dealer is chosen randomly, and the dealer position rotates clockwise after each hand.

Betting rounds: The game consists of several rounds of betting. Each player, starting from the one to the left of the dealer, can choose to bet, call (match the previous bet), raise (increase the previous bet), or fold (withdraw from the hand).

Blind Bets: In some variations of Teen Patti, the two players to the left of the dealer must make compulsory bets called "blind bets" before the cards are dealt.

Dealing the cards: After the initial bets, each player is dealt three cards face-down.

Gameplay:The player to the left of the dealer begins the betting, and the action continues clockwise around the table. Players can choose to bet, call, raise, or fold based on the strength of their hand or their ability to bluff.

Showdown:Once all betting rounds are complete, the remaining players reveal their cards, and the player with the best hand wins the pot. If there is a tie, the player with the higher-ranking cards wins. If multiple players have the same ranked cards, the pot is split.

Side pots:In cases where a player goes all-in but other players continue to bet, multiple side pots may be created. The main pot is won by the player with the best hand, while the side pots are won by the remaining players who continue betting.

Remember that there are different variations and house rules for Teen Patti, and some variations may have additional rules or betting options. It's always a good idea to clarify the specific rules with the players before starting a game.